- Africa south of sahara:statistics
This site provides information on a variety of databases related to countries in africa in both english and french languages.
- Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) ~ Data Online
This site allows users to construct spreadsheets of crime data first by selecting a topic, e.g. homicides, and then choosing what variables they wish to see from a candidate list, for what years they wish to see the data for, and by what jurisdiction.
- Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) ~ Spreadsheets
Downloadable spreadsheets with aggregated data from a wide variety of published sources related to crime and similar matters in USA.
- CAUSE (Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education)
Has over 120 datasets and activities related to datasets and links to other sources of datasets.
- Data and Story Library (DASL)
A collection of datasets and related documentation (stories) which may be searched by data subjects or by statistical techniques.
- is a platform where data scientists can find and use a vast array of high-quality open data, collaborate on data projects, and meet other like-minded data nerds.
- Education Queensland: Exploring Data
Contains many of the datasets given on this web site are well-known datasets that are commonly used in the teaching of statistical concepts
- FedStats (Chidren’s Pages)
Links to websites for children at the agencies within the USA Federal Government that contain data.
- FedStats
Links to websites at the agencies within the USA Federal Government that contain data.
- Journal of Statistics Education (JSE) Data Archive
Datasets from articles published in Journal of Statistics Education since 1993 plus some other datasets of interest to students.
- Kids Count 2005
The site allows users to download the child well-being indicators and demographics for each the US states. The site also allows for the interactive creation of line graphs of the child well-being indicators.
- National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD)
Age Levels: Secondary, Post-secondary, Adult This is an enormous data base containing crime statistics primarily from the U.S., although some international data is available also. Many of the data sets have been used in published studies which are also referenced on the site. Some data sets require a fee to gain access privileges.
- OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Statistics Portal
Has many datasets (including microdata) and tables (sorted by category) for all areas covered by OECD.
- OZ Data and Story Library
A library of data sets and associated stories. It is intended as a resource for teachers of statistics in Australia and New Zealand, and emphasis is given to data sets with an Australasian context.
- Social Science Data Archives
Links to social science data archives around the world. This link takes you to the Europe page. From there you can also access non-European countries.
- Statistics New Zealand Datalab
Manages access to anonymised unit record statistical data for approved projects. Access is provided at the discretion of the Government Statistician.
- StatLib Datasets Archive
One of the original (and still best) sources for archived data. A system for distributing statistical software, datasets, and information by electronic mail, FTP and WWW.
- UCLA Statistics Data Sets
Has links to many data sets, including those from books (including Hand, et al.)
- UNCTAD Statistics
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development offers statistical information on international economies.
- United Nations Statistical Databases
Much data is provided with unrestricted Internet access.
- University of California-Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning Repository
Has a wide variety of data sets from a variety of different subject areas
- University of Massachusetts—Statistical Software Information
Datasets are sorted by statistical analysis method
- WHO Statistical Information System and other WHO databases (In English)
(In Spanish) (In French) The World Health Organization Statistical Information System (WHOSIS) provides health-related statistical information for the entire world. In addition to information on diseases, this site contains data on population statistics, health indicators, and the number of health personnel in various countries.